Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cough Cough Cough

I'm not feeling so well today....

I think I caught a virus or something...

Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Have a drink of some oil.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Try a hard reboot.

Vegeta said...

Robots get sick?

Kon-El said...

Quick call Geek Squad!!!!

Optimus Prime said...

I don't want to call Geek Squad... all they're going to do is copy my photos and mp3's.

Flik Sivrak said...

Robots get ill? I've met a few psychotic ones in my time. IG88 and those annoying Destroyer Droids which you could call sick...

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHAHA!!! You're so lame. Hold on...Starscream's acting up again. Okay, I'm back...he's being repaired by the Constructicons that I've made them shut up...*ahem* I can't believe you caught a virus...what kind of moron are you? You went on the human information system again to look up that...pr0n, is it? I don't know. I caught Soundwave and those cassettes of his looking at it and kinda had to slap him around to put some sense in that head of his. Anywho, thought I'd point my finger and laugh a bit...wish me luck on world domination! =^___^=