I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, and since my declaration as Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator’s choice as vice president as he runs for president of the United States, I have been called before the Supreme Court in Washington DC.
“The Supreme Court?” Ironhide asked. “What’s that?”
I quickly explained the three branches of government and separation of power.
“Yes,” I nodded. “Something like that.”
“The president is in the Executive Branch, does that mean the vice president is as in the executive branch as well, Prime?”
“Of course, old friend,” I replied. “Even if the current vice president will not admit to it, it’s right there in the constitution.”
“Interesting,” Ironhide replied.
“I need to go testify as to my status as a citizen of the United States,” I said. “My only problem is that I do not consider myself much of a lawyer. As an Autobot, I prefer my battles in front of me; I certainly do not wish to stab somebody from behind as lawyers stereotypically do.”
All of the Autobots nodded in agreement.
“What is it, Perceptor, old friend?”
“Perhaps there is one of us here who has the intelligence necessary to be your legal counsel.”
“Of course,” I agreed. Perceptor is our Autobot scientist. He must be smart as he transforms into a microscope. “You would be welcome to speak on my behalf.”
“Oh no, I wasn’t talking about me,” he insisted. “I was talking about Sky Lynx.”
“Sky Lynx, eh?” I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. “Well he certainly thinks he’s smart.”

“The only problem with this plan is that I send Sky Lynx out into space to check out Sector 7G.” Sometimes I send the more annoying Autobots on missions that are far away, just so I can get a brief reprieve. For instance, I just sent Bumble Bee to the Andes Mountains to scout for any Decepticons in that area. “We’ll have to send a message to Sky Lynx that I require his assistance and perhaps with a little Energon and a lot of luck, we’ll make it through this after all. Aubtobots, transform and roll for Washington DC!”